Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fellowship at The Strawberry House (Persekutuan di Rumah Strawberry)

House Of Peace Church was coordinated a fellowship for church members especially who are serving The Lord in that place. Strawberry house in Lembang is a place that they have choose as a resort. It’s about 80 members were going at the trip, they were not allow to brought kids along. It was nice time for husband and wife getaway. Kezia team didn’t let this opportunity get away, it’s a good time for fellowship with them, any way Kezia team never been at strawberry farm.

Gereja House of Peace mengadakan acara pergi bersama untuk mengakrabkan diri diantara jemaat tetapi kepergian kali ini dikhususkan bagi pekerja gereja yang melayani Tuhan digereja tsb. Rumah Strawberry di Lembang merupakan tempat wisata yang dipilih. Sekitar 80 anggota yang ikut serta dalam perjalanan ini, mereka tidak diijinkan membawa anak-anak. Ini merupakan waktu baik untuk suami istri bepergian bersama. Team Kezia tidak membiarkan kesempatan ini pergi begitu saja, ini adalah waktu yang baik untuk mengenal dan mengakrabkan diri dengan pelayan Tuhan yang lain, apalagi team Kezia belum pernah pergi ke kebun strawberry.

March 26 at 6.00am we were gathering at mall Taman Palem parking area and leave at 7.30am. We got to strawberry house at 12.00pm, we were hungry. Strawberry employees were preparing nice lunch for us when we arrived there. There was vegetarian food for us because we were on 21 days fasting (Daniel fast). We were enjoyed the food, it was taste delicious. After lunch we were allowed to pick ten of strawberries which is cost Rp 5000,00/ons. If visitor want to buys more, than they have to buy at the strawberry store in that area.

26 Maret, jam 6.00 pagi kami semua berkumpul di parkiran mall Taman Palem dan berangkat jam 7.30. Kami tiba di rumah strawberry sekitar jam 12.00 siang, kami sangat lapar saat itu. Para karyawan rumah strawberry sedang mempersiapkan makan siang pada saat kami tiba ditempat tsb. Makanan yang disajikan adalah makanan vegetarian karena saat itu kami sedang dalam doa puasa Daniel, 21 satu hari. Kami sangat menikmati makanan yang disajikan, rasanya enak. Setelah makan siang kami diijinkan memetik 10 biji buah strawberry dengan membayar harga Rp 5000,00/ons. Jika pengunjung mau beli lebih , dapat dibeli ditoko strawberry yang sudah disediakan ditempat tsb.

We were have fun and took some photos. After all, we were getting ready to visit tofu factory at Lembang. Later on the last place we were stopped by was “Mode” outlet. Ladies were exiting. Bandung was famous with outlets, many outlets are outspread in Bandung city. This is a first time for Kezia team to visit Bandung after 19 years, the city has much changed and light up. It was fun, we got home at 11.00 pm. “Good night Jesus, thank you for a nice time”. Kezia team had nice slept after long day.Kami sangat menikmatinya dan berfoto ria. Setelah semuanya kami siap untuk pergi ke tempat pembuatan tahu Lembang. Dan tempat terakhir yang menjadi pemberhentian kami yaitu outlet “Mode”, para wanita kegirangan. Bandung terkenal dengan outlet-outlet, tersebar disepanjang kota Bandung. Ini adalah kali pertama bagi team Kezia mengunjungi Bandung setelah 19 tahun yang lalu, banyak sekali perubahannya dan kotanya tampak lebih hidup. Sangat menyenangkan, kami tiba di rumah sekitar jam 11.00 malam. “Selamat malam Yesus, terimakasih buat waktu yang indah” Team Kezia menikmati tidur yang indah setelah sepanjang hari yang melelahkan.


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Ministry at Cebu, Philippines (Pelayanan di Cebu, Philipina)

Kezia team had invited by Rev. Jeanne Lee for ministry to Philippines. Kezia team went to Singapore at March 10 and stayed few days at Rev. Jeanne Lee house. We were flew with Silk air from Changi air port to Cebu city at March 12. Cebu named ”Queen, city of the South”, Cebu is the oldest city in the Philippines, dating back to the 16th century when Portuguese explorer. Ferdinand Magellan discovered the island and propagated Christianity. Today, its sugar white beaches and unique holiday getaway.

Team Kezia diundang oleh pdt. Jeanne Lee melayani ke Philipina. Team Kezia berangkat ke Singapura pada 10 Maret dan tinggal beberapa hari di rumah pdt Jeanne Lee. Kami terbang dengan pesawat Sik dari bandara Changi ke Cebu pada 12 Maret. Cebu dinamakan sebagai “ ratu kota selatan”, Cebu merupakan kota yang tertua di Philipina, direbut kembali pada abad ke 16 dari penjajahan Portugis. Ferdinand Magellan menemukan pulau tsb dan menyebarkan kekristenan. Hari ini , merupakan pantai pasir putih dan tempat yang khusus untuk berlibur.

Pastor Butch Nocua, Lyziel Nocua (pastor Butch wife’s) and Pastor Romualdo Elic waiting for us at Cebu air port, there is a warm welcoming. We have spent 2 more hours on the road to get Talido, South of Cebu city, there was many hills, the road is quite good. Kezia team and Rev. Jeanne Lee were stayed a night at pastoral of Universal Church for Christ. The church building is facing the seashore, it was amazing view. Pastor Romualdo Elic and his wife Adelin Elic are pastor Universal Church for Christ. The pastor, pastora and congregation were nice and warm.

Pastur Butch Nocua, Lyziel Nocua (istri dari pastur Butch) dan pastur Romualdo Elic sedang menanti kami di bandara Cebu, ada penyambutan yang hangat. Kami membutuhkan 2 jam berkendaran untuk sampai ke Talido, selatan kota Cebu, banyak bukit-bukit, jalan–jalannya cukup baik. Team Kezia dan Pdt Jeanne Lee menginap semalam dirumah gereja Universal Church for Christ. Bangunan gereja menghadap ke laut, pemandangan yang luar biasa. Pastur Romualdo Elic dan istrinya Adelin Elic adalah pastur digereja Universal Church for Christ, pastur, ibu pastur dan jemaatnya sangat baik dan ramah.

Rev. Jeanne Lee in her message on first night at Talido was “Every believer is minister”. After the massage deliverance to congregation, Rev. Jeanne Lee did altar call, many young people came for it and got baptize in Holy Spirit. A minister from a Catholic church came at the service, he also got baptize in Holy Spirit. “Fourteen tests” was her teaching in the morning meeting, many blessed for those messages.

Pdt Jeanne Lee menyampaikan pesan bahwa “setiap orang percaya adalah pelayan Tuhan” pada malam pertama di Talido. Setelah pesan disampaikan, pdt Jeanne Lee melalakukan panggilan bagi mereka yang mau didoakan, banyak kaum muda yang menanggapi panggilan tsb dan banyak yang dibaptis Roh Kudus. Ada seorang pastur dari gereja Katholik yang hadir saat itu, dia juga dibaptis Roh Kudus. “Empat belas tes” merupakan pesan yang disampaikan dalam pengajarannya pada pertemuan pagi hari, banyak yang diberkati oleh pesan-pesan tersebut.

We had visited few churches, Rev. Jeanne Lee taught about “Market Place Ministry” at City Harvest Church, many Pastors were attend that meeting. All those pastors were enthusiasm with the teaching. The day before we were depart from Philippine, we have visited United in Christ Fellowship , Pst. Butch Nocua is the pastor. We had invited for lunch and dinner by a family who were support the needs of Church, they were lovely families.

Kami mengunjungi beberapa gereja , pdt Jeanne Lee mengajar tentang “Pelayanan di dunia kerja” di gereja City Harvest, banyak pastur yang hadir dalam pertemua tsb. Pastur-pastur sangat antusias pada pengajaran tsb. Sehari sebelum kami meninggalkan Philipina, kami mengunjungi gereja United in Christ Fellowship, pastur Butch Nocua adalah pastur digereja tsb. Kami diundang makan siang dan makan malam oleh sebuah keluarga yang memberikan bantuan bagi semua kebutuhan gereja United in Christ Fellowship, mereka keluarga yang penuh kasih.

Kezia team and Rev. Jeanne Lee flew back to Singapore at March 16, it was marvelous trip. Kezia team has been learning how to be humble and trusting God. It was a blessing to serve The Lord with Rev. Jeanne Lee, she has a heart for body of Christ around the world to grows strong. She and her families were serving The Lord Jesus. Kezia team had stayed two more days with them before going back to Indonesia, their hospitality will not forgotten.

Team kezia dan pdt Jeanne Lee terbang kembali ke Singapura pada tgl 16 maret, ini perjalanan yang indah. Team Kezia belajar untuk menjadi lebih rendah hati dan mempercayai Tuhan lebih lagi. Ini merupakan berkat dapat melayani Tuhan bersama dengan pdt Jeanne Lee, dia memiliki hati buat tubuh Kristus diseluruh dunia untuk bertumbuh lebih kuat. Dia dan keluarganya melayani Tuhan Yesus. Team Kezia tinggal dua hari bersama mereka sebelum kembali ke Indonesia, keramahtamahan mereka dalam menerima team Kezia tidak akan terlupakan.

Praise The Lord!


Faith Leader Ministry at Indonesia (Pelayanan Pemimpin Iman di Indonesia)

Rev. Jeanne Lee as founder Faith Leader Ministry was visited Indonesia for 2 weeks. This is her second times for visit Indonesia to ministry. She was visited churches at Jakarta and Bangka island. Many were asked for counseling, deliverance and healing. In her ministry Rev. Jeanne Lee was consider for body of Christ for go deeper in the words of God, she spent many hours to teach and encarouge body of Christ around the world.

Pdt Jeanne Lee adalah pendiri dari Pelayanan Pemimpin Iman di Indonesia selama 2 minggu. Ini merupakan kesempatan kedua baginya ke Indonesia untuk pelayanan. Dia mengunjungi beberapa gereja di Jakarta dan pulau Bangka. Banyak yang meminta untuk konsultasi , pelepasan dan penyembuhan. Dalam pelayanannya dia memikirkan tubuh Kristus untuk masuk lebih dalam lagi dalam firman Tuhan, dia meluangkan banyak waktu untuk mengajar dan menyemangati tubuh Kristus di seluruh dunia.

Her base in Africa and India, she helps many African and Indian kids to have education, she was coordinated school for free. She went many countries to preach the gospel, she has five fulls ministry calling, many recognized her as apostle and prophet. Many were blessed on her ministry, touch many soul with love of God.

Tempat pelayanannya di Afrika dan India, dia membantu banyak anak-anak Afrika dan India untuk memperoleh pendidikan, dia mengkoordinir sekolah tanpa bayar. Dia pergi ke banyak negara untuk memberitakan injil, dia memiliki panggilan di lima jawatan dalam gereja Tuhan, banyak orang mengenal dia sebagai rasul dan nabi. Banyak orang diberkati dengan pelayanannya, menyentuh banyak jiwa dengan kasih Tuhan.Kezia team were companied Rev. Jeanne Lee as interpreter and intercessor. One of our relative was got healed from brain tumor after Rev. Jeanne Lee and team prayed for her. This lady accept Jesus and asked for water baptism. Praise The Lord!

Team Kezia menemani dia sebagai penerjemah dan pendoa syafaat. Salah satu keluarga team Kezia disembuhkan dari penyakit tumor otak setelah didoakan. Ibu ini menerima Yesus dan kemudian dibaptis. Puji Tuhan!


Sunday, March 08, 2009

Healing Movement Camp In Bengkulu

KJ team and GBI House of Peace had a mission trip in Bengkulu on February 16th - 20th, 2009. Our mission trip to cooperated HMC at GSJA (Assembly Of God Church) Bengkulu.

Pst. Barnabas is the pastor there, he has a lovely family and congregation. They had treated us nicely.

We had visited some churches and praying walked for all over Bengkulu city.

Some other churches were attend the Healing Movement

Camp, God moves miraculous, many of them were baptize in Holy Spirit and healed.


Saturday, March 07, 2009

Ministry Trip At Bangka Island

On February 21th-26th, we were in Bangka island for ministry trip with our church, GBI Mal Taman Palem, and Rev. Jeanne Lee (Singapore).

We were stayed at Bangka for 6 days & 5 nights. It was wonderful time to minister the people who lived in Bangka island. We were telling them about Jesus, about salvation, about the love of The Lord for them, also we served them in healing prayers.

Bangka's people are nice, they are welcome you all the times. The food are great, tastefull and you don't worry to spent out a lot of money.

One nice resort in Bangka is Paray Beach resort. This is in Sungai Liat region. A lot of rocks in the beach which is reminds us to be as the rock for our fondation in Jesus Christ. Amin.

Below is a panorama picture of Paray Beach resort, please click the picture to see in bigger size.

