Nockamixon State Park
"Let them praise the name of the LORD, for he commanded and they were created" -Psalm 148:5-
One day off mean one trip for relaxing and having wonderfull time to praise God. Nockamixon State Park is located near Quakertown, PA, in average it's about 55 minutes from Philadelphia thru I-476 road. It was a traffic, but it's worth to get the scene once you arrive in the lake. The weather was nice. It is a good time to enjoy and feel the harmony in the heart to see how great the LORD is. Ovethere not just the lake in harmony scene, birds and butterflies are lived in harmony as well. God is great.
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Satu hari libur berarti satu perjalanan untuk rileks dan memiliki saat indah untuk memuji Tuhan. Nockamixon State Park terletak dekat Quakertown, PA, sekitar 55 menit dari Philadelphia lewat jalan I-476. Perjalanan kemarin agak macet, tapi sungguh bermakna mendapatkan lokasi pemandangan saat tiba di danau. Cuaca juga mendukung. Sungguh merupakan saat yang baik untuk menikmati dan merasakan harmoni dalam hati saat melihat betapa agungnya TUHAN itu. Disana tidak hanya danau dalam pemandangan yang harmoni, burung-burung dan kupu-kupu hidup dalam suasana harmoni juga. Tuhan sungguh agung.
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Moderator Note:
Green bean soup and Mpek-Mpek have been our meal during the visit to Nockamixon State Park, we hope in the future we will bring more food to company during enjoying the scene. How about baked Dorang fish? So tasty!
There are a lot of benches in the park but a sheet of floormat more value when we need to sit in the ground, anyway old paper were worthy.
Sup Kacang hijau dan Mpek-Mpek adalah makanan siang kami selama mengunjungi Nockamixon State Park, untuk masa lain kami berharap untuk membawa makanan lebih banyak untuk menemani kami dalam menikmati suasana. Bagaimana kalau ikan Dorang bakar? Sungguh lezat!
Ditaman juga banyak bangku-bangku tapi selembar tikar akan bermanfaat kalau kita ingin duduk di tanah, sementara saat disana koran bekas sungguh bermanfaat.
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