Roosevelt Park Memorial Day Picnic
"Umur panjang ada di tangan kanannya, di tangan kirinya kekayaan dan kehormatan" - Amsal 3:16 -
"Length of days [is] in her right hand, In her left hand riches and honor" - Proverbs 3:16 -
Today is Memorial Day for American. IBC church is doing picnic together between members of Philadelphia, New Jersey and New York. It is take a place at Roosevelt Park, Edison - NJ.
Pst. Romeo Sahertian serve for talks the word at the green park and lovely. He remains us how close man with God at Eden as describe in book of Genesis.
Acara juga dimeriahkan dengan permainan: adu tarik tambang, lomba lari karung, makan krupuk dan memukul perman dalam pinata.
There are some games: pulling rope, run with laundry bag, eating prawn-crackers and pinata.
Berikut adalah berapa permainan:
Below are some games:
To see the first pages of the pictures, please click here.
Untuk halaman kedua, silakan klik disini.
For second pages, please click here.
Berikut adalah klip singkat tentang 5 wanita yang luar biasa sedang memuji Tuhan:
Next is a short clip about 5 amazing women who praise God:
Labels: Christian Faith, Entertainment, Travel
Tetep heboh liputannya bos !
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